Established in 2000 by experienced international managers from some of the worlds largest IT, Printing, Copying and Services companies EKM4 has followed a well planned service delivery methodology to deliver outstanding value to its clients.

Many global telecommunication providers, financial institutions, retailers and utilities are among our customers. Specialist training services and technology has been licensed to global technology vendors and service providers.

As thought leaders in this market we often challenge traditional views but support this with solid financial arguments and provide proven methods to enable success allowing our customers to be among the top performers in their sectors.

What Insight2 can do :

• Print Management;
• Print Procurement;
• Print costs;
• Copy costs;
• Fax costs;
• Supplies costs;
• Total Cost of Ownership (TCO);
• Print Audits;
• Print Assessment;
• Financial Analysis;
• Output Management;
• Document Workflow;
• Office Design;
• Technology Lifecycle Management.